- Orthodontics
- Clear Aligners
- Lingual Braces
- Best Orthodontist
- Color Braces
- Braces hurt?
- Tooth Removal for Orthodontics?
- Retainers
- Eating with Braces
- Deep Bite
- What causes Crooked Teeth?
1. Why should first orthodontic evaluation of children begin by age seven?
By age 7, the permanent first molars and incisors have usually come in, and enough jaw growth has occurred that the orthodontist will be capable to identify any problems, anticipate future problems & alleviate parents’ concerns.
Below are some signs or habits that may indicate the need for an early orthodontic examination:
Early or late loss of baby teeth
Injury-prone upper incisors(front teeth) that protrude (stick out) excessively
Thumb or finger sucking
Missing, misplaced, or blocked out teeth
Cross bites
Difficulty in chewing or biting
Mouth breathing
Jaws that shift or make sounds
Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth
Teeth that bite abnormally or not at all
Jaws & teeth that appear out proportion to the rest of the face
If your child has not seen an orthodontist till age seven, don’t worry. The Orthodontist will still be able to detect & evaluate any existing problems, determine what type of treatment, if any, is recommended, and advice you of the best time to start treatment regardless of the age.
2. What is the optimal age for orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is appropriate when patients have primary (baby) teeth as well as permanent teeth. The orthodontist will determine the appropriate timing of orthodontic treatment based on your specific needs.
Phase I, also known as ” interceptive treatment ” or early treatment, may begin while primary (baby teeth) are still present. This treatment corrects potentially harmful conditions or makes dental adjustments that are best accomplished while the patient is still growing. Phase I treatment usually does not eliminate the need for the later treatment of your permanent teeth with full braces, but may mean future treatment goes more quickly.
Phase II, also referred to as ” definite treatment “, is the period of treatment when full braces are used to adjust the position of permanent teeth to develop a proper bite and achieve the best aesthetic result. This phase can start before or after the loss of all primary (baby) teeth, and is usually necessary after Phase I interceptive treatment.
3. My teeth have been crooked for many years. Why should I consider orthodontic treatment now?
Orthodontic treatment, when indicated, is a positive step, especially for adults who have endured a long- standing problem. Orthodontic treatment can restore optimal tooth and jaw function. Teeth that work better usually look better, and a healthy, beautiful smile can improve self-esteem, no matter what age.
4. Can orthodontic treatment do for adults what it does for children?
You may be amazed to learn that one in five of the orthodontic patients is an adult. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists estimates that nearly 1,000,000 adults in the United States and Canada are currently receiving orthodontic treatment from a specialist.
Healthy teeth can be moved at almost any age. Many orthodontic problems can be corrected as easily and as well for adults as children. Orthodontic forces move the teeth in the same way for both a 55- year –old adult and a 12-year-old child. Complicating factors, such as lack of jaw growth and periodontal ( bone and gum) disease may create special treatment planning needs for the adult.
5. How does adult treatment differ from that of children and adolescents?
Despite the fact that teeth can be moved at almost any time in your life, some complicating factors, such as periodontal (gum and bone ) disease, missing, worn, and damaged teeth become more common as you get older.
The Orthodontist will ensure close communication among your general (family) dentist, periodontist, endodontist, and oral surgeon to assure that adult orthodontic treatment and any special problems are well-managed. Below are the most common characteristics that can cause adult treatment to differ from treatment for children.
Gum or bone loss (periodontal breakdown); Adults are more likely to have experienced periodontal (gum and bone) disease than children. Special treatment by the patient’s general (family) dentist or a periodontist may be necessary before, during and/or after orthodontic treatment. Bone and gum loss may limit the amount and direction of tooth movement that is advisable.
Missing, worn or damaged teeth: Missing, worn, or damaged teeth are perfect reasons to consider orthodontic treatment. Missing teeth that are not replaced often allow adjacent teeth to tip and drift. This is likely to worsen the bite and may increase the likelihood of developing periodontal problems.
No jaw growth: Jaw problems can usually be managed well in a growing child with an orthopedic growth modification appliance. Unfortunately, the adult patient no longer has growth potential. On occasion, it may be recommended for an individual to pursue both orthodontic treatment and jaw surgery to modify the size, shape and position of his or her jaw. If surgery is a necessary component of your chosen orthodontic treatment plan, the orthodontist will discuss all aspects of your orthodontic treatment with you and an oral surgeon prior to initiating any treatment. As with all procedures, you will be able to discuss all of your concerns thoroughly with orthodontist and an oral surgeon so that you are comfortable with your treatment decision.
6. Why do teeth sometimes need to be removed?
On occasion, selective removal of primary (baby) teeth may alleviate future crowding by allowing permanent teeth to erupt in a more desirable location and in the correct order. Sometimes, particularly in cases of severe crowding, permanent teeth may need to be removed as part of your orthodontic treatment. Tooth removal will be recommended only if it is absolutely necessary and would improve your prospects for successful orthodontic treatment.
7. Why does orthodontic treatment sometimes take longer than anticipated?
Each patient is an unique individual and only an estimate of treatment time can be made depending on the patient’s growth maturity. Permanent teeth respond at different rates to orthodontic treatment. Rest assured, the orthodontist has specific treatment goals and objectives in mind and is dedicated to continue treatment until they are achieved. The estimated time of treatment is usually very close to the actual treatment time.
The length of treatment largely depends on the severity of the initial problem, the patient’s growth pattern, and the level of patient cooperation. Patient cooperation is the single best predictor of staying on time with treatment. Patients who cooperate by wearing rubber bands or other needed appliances as directed, while taking care not to damage braces will most often have on-time and excellent treatment result. However, treatment can be lengthened if growth occurs differently than expected or if the patient’s cooperation is less than ideal. Inability to keep appointments, excessive tardiness, poor appliance wear, and excessive breakage can all extend treatment time.
Clear Aligners
If I have to correct my irregular teeth with clear aligners, is Invisalign the only solution?
Invisalign is one among the many options to choose from in case you are planning to start your orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. Eon aligner is another recognized brand from the USA, which uses advanced 3D graphics technology combined with stereolithography, ensuring better adaptation to the teeth, which is also a good option to consider. However, your orthodontist must be certified to do the procedure.
Can any dentist provide aligner treatment?
No. The orthodontist is the best person to carry out your treatment procedure, as only he has the necessary skills, gained after completing a 3 year Master degree in Orthodontics & Dento-facial Orthopaedics, to plan the ideal treatment solution for your malocclusion and carry out your treatment to achieve the best possible result. After all it is your right to get your treatment done with the best orthodontist in your neighbourhood..!!!
Is treatment with clear aligners painful?
The aligners are highly comfortable, if you choose the right brand. There might be an initial adaptation phase of 2-3 days to get used to the aligners. You might feel slight pressure on your teeth, but it is nothing to worry about. It is just a reassurance that your aligners are doing their job perfectly. The discomfort disappears within a couple of days. 99 patients among 100 do not feel a thing with the aligners. So…. that’s good news..!!!
Can I wear the aligners only at night?
Aligners work only when worn for at least 22 hours a day. So that means you have to wear them both daytime and night, removing only when eating and brushing. If you feel that you will not be able to wear them 22 hours daily, then aligners are NOT for you..!!!
Can I smoke during aligner treatment?
Absolutely…! However remember to remove your aligners before lighting your cigar. Aligners are plastic and can melt or discolour due to the heat. You don’t want to get your mouth burnt with molten plastic, do you???
Can I drink cola without removing my aligners?
No..!!! It is not advisable. The only liquid you may drink while wearing your aligners is pure water.
Can my aligners become loose while sleeping?
Relax..!!! Aligners fit snugly to your teeth. It will be adapted nicely to your teeth and will require some effort from your part to remove them. So there is absolutely no chance for your aligners to get dislodged when you are sleeping.
I am a teenager. Can I have my orthodontic treatment done with aligners?
The concept of aligners arose mainly for adults who were not ready to opt for conventional braces and want something removable. However, recent advances in the field of aligner therapy, ensures that it is possible to do aligner treatment for teenagers. However, your orthodontist is the best judge to decide if you are a suitable candidate.
How can I keep my aligners clean?
Wash them under running tap water every time you remove them. Every morning you may brush them in slightly warm water either with or without tooth paste.
Can my aligners break in the middle of treatment?
Aligners can break if they are mishandled. If you are careful with the aligners and take care of them the same way you would take care of your contact lenses, the chance of breakage is absolutely nil. Another thing, each aligner is meant only for 2 weeks. So they will definitely last the time they are intended for.
I have done cosmetic veneers and bridge work done on my teeth by my general dentist. Can I have aligners?
It is possible to do aligner treatment in the presence of veneers and fixed partial dentures. However, there might be some limitations with your treatment, but the same limitations might exist even if you choose the conventional braces. Your orthodontist is the best person to examine and let you know.
How frequently should I see my orthodontist when doing aligner treatment?
It is always better to see your treating doctor at least once in 45-60 days to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.
I had braces done before, but my teeth moved slightly as I was not sincere with the retainers. Can aligners work for me?
You can get your teeth corrected by aligners. However, remember to wear your retainers after your treatment gets completed and follow the instructions of your orthodontist.
Sometimes my teeth feel loose after removing my aligners while brushing. Is it normal?
It is absolutely fine. In fact you will feel the same way even if you are on conventional braces. It just means that your treatment is progressing in the right direction as planned.
Is aligner treatment faster of slow when compared to conventional braces?
Aligners take the same time as conventional braces for most patients. However if you have severe rotations on some teeth or skeletal problems, aligners take a longer time to achieve the correction. Your orthodontist will inform you the expected duration of your orthodontic treatment after taking your diagnostic clinical records.
Lingual Braces
If I have to correct my irregular teeth with Lingual braces, what are the options I have?
Customised lingual braces are highly comfortable compared to normal lingual braces as they are customised & manufactured using advanced CAD CAM technology especially for your teeth. You have the Incognito (USA) which was one of the most popular customised lingual braces available. The new generation Harmony (American Orthodontics, USA) has evolved and revolutionized the concept of customised lingual braces to the next level by developing self ligation in their system, which is more comfortable without the need to change the elastomeric rings every month. However, your orthodontist must be certified to provide the treatment.
Can any dentist provide Lingual braces treatment?
No. The orthodontist is the best person to carry out your treatment procedure, as only he has the necessary skills, gained after completing a 3 year rigorous Master’s program in Orthodontics & Dento-facial Orthopaedics, to plan and execute your treatment to achieve the perfect result. After all it is your right to get your treatment done with the best orthodontist in your neighbourhood..!!!
Is treatment with Lingual braces painful?
The lingual braces require an adaptation phase of 2-3 weeks to get used to. You might feel the braces rubbing on your tongue, but you will get used to them comparatively fast with the new generation customized bracket system.
How long does the treatment take with Lingual braces?
The average treatment duration is the same as the conventional braces and ranges between 12-18 months. However, it depends on the severity of your problem and your orthodontist is the best person to predict it for you.
Will treatment with lingual appliance affect my speech?
Relax..!!! You will get used to them within 3-4 weeks. Most people will notice a mild change in their speech initially, but it is just temporary.
I am a teenager. Can I have my orthodontic treatment done with lingual braces?
The teeth must be completely erupted to the fullest possible level to fix the braces on the lingual surface of the teeth. Most of the adolescents have some teeth which are still in a stage of eruption and might delay the treatment as we wait for their complete eruption. They are not ideal candidates for lingual braces. However, there might always be some exception..!!!
How can I keep my teeth clean when having lingual braces?
You have special brushes available to clean your teeth when wearing braces. Ask your orthodontist about them. Try to brush after every meal to ensure there is no food stuck on your braces. After all, your girl friend does not have to know what you had for breakfast when you take her out on a dinner date..!!!
Can my braces break in the middle of treatment?
One or two brackets might break during the middle of treatment if you bite on something extremely hard. However, your orthodontist will be able to fix them at your next visit. Keep any loose brackets with you carefully and give them to your orthodontist when you see him, as it takes a very long time to get a replacement bracket. So follow the rules when you have braces in your mouth.
Rule 1: Avoid very hard and sticky foods.
Rule 2: Avoid tampering with your braces.
Rule 3: Follow the instructions of your orthodontist. You will make his job easier..!!!
I bridge work done on my teeth by my prosthodontist. Can I have Lingual braces?
It is possible to do aligner treatment in the presence of bridge work. However, there might be some limitations with your treatment, but the same limitations exist even if you choose the conventional metal or ceramic labial braces. Your orthodontist is the best person to judge the situation.
How frequently should I see my orthodontist during the lingual treatment?
It is always better to see your treating doctor at least once in 21-30 days to ensure that your treatment is progressing in the right direction.
Will my teeth stay in the same position after the completion of orthodontic treatment?
Retainers are very important to ensure that your teeth do not change position after treatment. Recent retainers are very comfortable and highly efficient. Your orthodontist will tell you the best retainer for you depending on your initial malocclusion. Follow the instructions of your orthodontist sincerely and you will have an amazing smile that lasts for a life time..!!!
Best Orthodontist
Choosing the best orthodontist is an art which many people fail to master. If you try to gamble, you end up on the losing side most of the time. Everyone wants to get the best possible smile and have perfectly straight teeth. To achieve that goal, you have to ensure that you choose the right orthodontist. The most important thing you should do when looking for an orthodontist is to ask your friends and family for recommendations. You only have one set of teeth for the rest of your life, so it is understandable that you will want the best orthodontist to help you achieve that amazing smile you always desired. The first thing to remember is that the best orthodontist for you is one that listens to your concerns and one that you feel comfortable with.
Treatment cost should be an important factor, but that should not be the only factor in determining which orthodontist you choose to work with. Remember that the average orthodontic treatment takes approximately 12-18 months. You do not want to get stuck up with an orthodontist that you do not trust or feel uncomfortable with, even if you get your treatment done at a bargain price. You want to have trust in the knowledge that your orthodontist will offer you the best advice and treatment for your problem. If you don’t find the right orthodontist, you may end up spending more time and wasting more money than you initially anticipated as your treatment needs to be refined by another orthodontist.
To choose the best orthodontist, the first thing you should do is ask your friends, family, neighbors and family dentist for recommendations. Try to look for recommendations from people who have had braces treatment done that is similar to your case. If you do not know what you’re looking for, don’t worry. Your orthodontist will give you an idea of the available treatment options to correct your problem during your first initial consultation. Most orthodontists do not charge the initial consultation fee. So your consultation appointment is basically free..!!! However some orthodontist may elect to charge for it.
What you should do when booking an orthodontist is to ask them if they charge a fee for the consultation. If the orthodontist has the required credentials, it is worth having a chat with him even if he charges for the consultation. However, the final decision remains with you. Regardless of what you choose, you should visit with several orthodontists.
It’s important you get an accurate picture of the existing problem and the approximate treatment duration required to correct it. Every orthodontist has a different plan on the way your treatment should be done and so fixing your teeth is as much of an art as it is a science. However, only one among the various available options will give you the best possible results in your case. The experience of your orthodontists plays a major role in ensuring that he formulates the best treatment plan in your case. Otherwise, you end up with compromised results till the end of your life, or until you meet the right orthodontist. Remember, not all badly treated orthodontic cases can be retreated to perfection, even if you find the right orthodontist later. Some results might be irreversible.
Remember that when you are visiting your orthodontist, you should be taking notes on your smart phone or notepad. This allows you to later review what your orthodontist said during the consultation and help refresh your memory. You’ll especially want to remember the treatment price for the different treatment options and what it includes. Some orthodontists will include the price the retainer in the total treatment cost, while other orthodontists have separate charge for the retainers. You’ll also want to see what it will cost for follow-up visit after your braces are bonded to your teeth. Many orthodontists will offer pay-as-you-go services in which you pay every month as you visit your orthodontist, however others will also offer you the option to pay a lump sum amount up front. You can decide which way you would like to make your payment depending on your convenience.
Remember, if you come across a good orthodontist, who charges a reasonable price for your treatment, consider it your lucky day. All the best for your happy orthodontist hunt..!!!
Color Braces
Choosing the braces color can be lots of fun. However, choosing the right color combination is an art, which needs to be mastered. You can get just almost any color combination for orthodontic braces. Some colors look great on everyone, while some don’t look good on a few. So take extra care when you select a color. Try one color and then if you don’t like it, try different braces colors at your next orthodontist visit. The braces colors can be changed every time you visit the orthodontist for the monthly adjustments.
The Color Selector is very interesting and will help you to compare the different colors and choose your favorite one. It’s important to know that colored braces will look slightly different from the color sample after they are installed. The best part is you can choose 2 or 3 different colors for the braces. You might want to try a variety of color combinations to find something you like. The rainbow colors are a popular choice when kids get colored braces.
- Make sure you get a color you like! If you want to try two colors, please try to match them! Two non complementary colors will spoil the show.
- Get a color you like because you will have to keep them in your mouth for a long time!
- Remember that the colors may fade over the month, so pick a deeper shade than what you want.
- Get colors that match your personality!
- Choosing colors is fun! Try the braces color selector to make your job of choosing the colors easier.
- If you really can’t make up your mind, try bright blue. It always looks good on everyone.
- Avoid white color elastics, as they generally make teeth look yellow.
- Get a cool color that really complements your eyes!
- Complementary colors are a great idea. Ask your orthodontist to help you choose them. Neon green and hot pink is a cool choice, which is favorite choice among teenagers. Blue & Pink look great..!!!
- If you feel like not choosing any color or you don’t want the colors to be obvious or flashy, try clear/transparent elastic or metal grey. You will never go wrong with that choice. It makes you look mature.
And remember, if you don’t want any braces colors at all you can choose clear or tooth-colored ceramic braces, Lingual braces or Invisalign.
Braces hurt?
Does it hurt when the Orthodontist fixes the braces on your teeth?
When the orthodontist fixes your braces onto the teeth, he or she will usually glue the metal brackets to your teeth. The glue is actually a tooth colored cement which will set immediately after exposure to blue colored light. The setting time is less than a minute for each tooth and you can eat and drink immediately after the procedure. Once the braces are fixed on all your teeth, the orthodontist will usually put a wire that runs through all of the brackets. The initial wire is usually a super elastic titanium wire, which applies very mild forces on your teeth, cajoling them to move to the desired location where your orthodontist wants them to be. So..having braces fixed on usually doesn’t hurt at all. The procedure is absolutely painless and comfortable.
However, a few hours after the bonding appointment, your teeth will most likely begin to hurt a little bit. You cannot term it as pain. It will actually be a dull aching pressure type sensation which can last up to a week. However, rest assured, it will be easily bearable and for most people will last only for a day or two..!!!
The best example I can give is to have you press hard on your fingernail. It will not really hurt, but still you might feel some discomfort. Now imagine this same pinching feeling going on in your mouth. This is similar to the feeling that you have when you have your braces on. It means that the wires and braces are working hard to perfect your smile..!!!
Bear in mind that we all experience pain in different ways. For some people, getting braces may not really hurt at all, and for others the pain can be in a range of 5-6 if you would like to rate it in a scale of 1-10. Remember, it is only a matter of time after which you will feel that the braces don’t even exist in your mouth.
Do Braces Hurt After They’ve been on your teeth for a While?
The reason braces hurt when you have them fixed on is because they are applying force on your teeth to move them to the right place. After a few days, the pain usually goes away as your teeth have already begun the process of moving and the tension in the wire has gone down. This usually takes less than a week for a majority of patients around the world.
Do Braces Hurt When You Have Them Tightened every month?
After you go in to have your braces adjusted every month, you will usually experience mild pressure on your teeth which will definitely be less than the pain you experienced when you first had the braces fixed on your teeth.
When you go in to have your braces tightened, the orthodontist will usually evaluate how much your teeth have moved and then place new elastic or a new wire to keep them moving into the position that will provide you with an ideal, healthy smile. The new elastic or the new wire will have some tension in it and may cause some minor discomfort until your teeth have moved into their new position. The best part is you can choose your favorite color at this appointment..!!!
Do Braces Hurt When You Have Them Taken Off?
Having your braces removed is usually the highlight of the whole experience for many as you will be waiting for it! When you have your braces removed, the orthodontist takes out the wire and removes the brackets from your teeth. With the proper instruments and your orthodontist’s expertise, the brackets just pop right off, without any discomfort. After the appointment you will be relieved to realize that it really didn’t hurt at all! Best of all, you get to flaunt your AMAZING SMILE at everyone..!!
Tooth Removal for Orthodontics?
Is tooth removal /extraction necessary to wear braces?
This is a question which runs in the mind of many people when they first think about getting braces. Extractions are not always needed to correct the crooked teeth. The new generation orthodontic brackets are capable of expanding the arch, thus eliminating the need for extractions in most cases. The advanced space age titanium arch-wires apply minimal forces on your teeth, are highly comfortable and easy to adapt even for an adult patient.
However, if your teeth are protruding too much forward and the facial profile does not look good because of your protruding “buck” teeth, it means that there is no room inside your mouth to accommodate all your teeth. We can remove a few “unnecessary” teeth and utilize the room to move the protruding front teeth towards their ideal position. The advantage of doing this will tremendously improve your facial profile and confidence. The extraction spaces will be completely closed when the treatment is completed and nobody will even be able to notice that you had extracted a few teeth for your orthodontic treatment.
Your orthodontist is the best person to judge if you require extractions for your braces treatment and it is equally important on your part to identify a good orthodontist for starting your braces treatment, as your facial profile and the final teeth position at the end of treatment is entirely in the hands of your orthodontist.
Do I have to wear a retainer after completing my orthodontic treatment?
The answer is YES.
Your crooked teeth have been moved to the ideal position for you to flash that great smile at others. It is important to know that your teeth will be under pressure from your lips & tongue to move back to where they used to be due to the “memory” of the gum tissue. It takes time for the bone surrounding your teeth to reorganize and become strong enough to prevent the teeth from moving back to their original position. It is necessary to use your retainers until the bone becomes completely organized. This usually takes up to 1 year and it is highly important to use your retainer according to the instructions of your orthodontist.
The first month after the braces are removed is the most critical period as the risk of relapse is extremely high. After a few years, the teeth get accustomed to their new position and you can go easy on your retainer wear. However, don’t throw your retainers after 1 year. Just continue using them at least once a week for 24 hrs to minimize the risk of relapse thereby ensuring that the time & money you invested in your smile is worth it.
How long should I wear my retainers?
You now have an amazing smile to be proud of, thanks to your Orthodontist! Now it is your turn to ensure that your precious asset remains with you forever. It only takes a small effort from your side to remember wearing your retainers and that is the best way by which you can thank the efforts of your orthodontist!
Your teeth want to move the most during the first 12 months after your braces are removed. To prevent this, retainers should be worn on a full-time basis until directed otherwise. Only take them out to brush, eat and when active in sports.
The fixed type of retainers, otherwise called the “Permanent retainers” can remain in your mouth for a long time until they break or removed by your orthodontist after some years. However, you have to be extra careful in maintaining and brushing with them as there is a high risk of developing cavities or “caries” and bad odour if you have poor oral hygiene. You don’t want anyone to turn their face away from you the moment you start opening your mouth to speak, do you?
Care for your retainers?
Wash your retainers under running water tap water, the moment you remove them to wash away the saliva. Dry them with a tissue before keeping them safely inside your retainer boxes. Brush them thoroughly every day, preferably with a soft toothbrush, toothpaste, and lukewarm (not hot!) water. An occasional 5 minute soak in your favorite mouthwash will keep them fresh smelling. Also, if you find that tartar is building up on your retainer, soak it for 30 minutes in white vinegar and water and then brush thoroughly. You may also soak your retainer in water with a denture tablet.
If a wire gets bent or the plastic becomes cracked or broken, immediately call your orthodontist for an appointment! Teeth can shift rapidly and a significant delay may cause tooth movement that might be irreversible and may require retreatment.
Good brushing technique will be required to keep your fixed or permanent retainer clean. If it becomes loose or broken call your orthodontist immediately for an appointment!
Can I eat wearing my retainer?
No. Always remove your retainers before eating. If you drink anything other than water, take the retainer out. Coffee, tea, colas, or any other substance with a strong coloring can stain your retainer, and anything with sugar in it can get in the retainer and cause cavities on your teeth. If you’re not able to take it out, rinse the retainer and your mouth out with water.
Avoid chewing gum while wearing your retainers and avoid playing them around with your tongue. These activities may weaken your retainer and make them more prone to breakage. Avoid placing your retainers in hot water or on a hot surface as this may change the appliance shape dimension, so that it no longer fits in your mouth!
Ensure you don’t leave your retainer in any area that is accessible to a household pet. Pets are attracted to the retainer because of the smell of saliva. When your retainer is not in your mouth it should always be kept inside the retainer case provided by your orthodontist.
Remember: Retainers work only when they are inside your mouth and not when they are resting inside your cupboard!
Some Fun Facts : Do you know how retainers are lost?
These are the most popular ways to lose your retainers:
Excuse 1: Wrapped up in a napkin and thrown out at a fast food restaurant or cafeteria.
Excuse 2: My maid threw it in the dustbin by mistake.
Excuse 2: My dog ate it! (Man’s best friend?)
Excuse 3: Dislodged while swimming (leave out during water sports)
So be Careful, and use the retainer case provided for the purpose!
In the case that a retainer is lost or broken, there will be a fee for a replacement retainer. You may have to visit your orthodontist for recording your impression for fabricating your new retainer.
Eating with Braces
What you can eat with braces:
Congrats on your part for getting your braces fixed for correction of your problem. Now comes the question about the diet you should have after you have your braces on! The presence of braces does not mean that you have to survive off soft food for the duration of your braces, but you should be a little vigilant otherwise you could damage the brackets, bands and archwires. Also, food lodged between your teeth and the braces could encourage tooth decay. Therefore you should be selective about food you can eat with braces.
Never bite raw carrots when you have braces. Harder, raw vegetables, particularly carrots or cucumber, should be cut up into small pieces so it can be chewed with the back teeth. There is no problem with eating vegetables that have been cooked, as they are soft enough and will not loosen the braces.
DAIRY IS A GOOD CHOICE When you have braces
Dairy products are a great choice for bracket wearers as they are soft and require little chewing. These include portions of milk, cheese, and yogurt which are low in fat.
TENDER MEAT is fine for you when having braces
Meat has more problems for those who wear braces, as it is more difficult to chew. The fibrous meat pieces also tend to get stuck in the gaps between braces and teeth. Tougher cuts pose an even greater threat and could loosen the bands that enclose the molars. Tearing meat straight off the bone can cause problems as well. Ensure that the meat is tender and reduced in size by cutting up into mouth sized pieces rather than using the teeth to extract it from the bone.
Biting onto a hard seed or nut can easily damage or break off a bracket or band from the tooth. It can also bend the archwires, which could mean that the treatment may be delayed as a result of frequent breakages.
Deep Bite
A deep bite is a very common form of malocclusion, a condition where the patient’s lower teeth are excessively overlapped by the upper teeth and the lower incisors come into contact with the gingival tissue in the upper arch of the jaw.
Over closure of the front teeth does not bother the person concerned, as it causes no esthetic issues. Many people are not even aware of the problem as it is totally asymptomatic in its initial stages.
However, in the long run, it can damage the teeth, the gums and joints of the jaws. A follow up with a QUALIFIED ORTHODONTIST can help prevent any further damage.
The first ever recommended follow up with a QUALIFIED ORTHODONTIST at SEVEN YEARS OF AGE would surely detect such a problem in its most initial stages and help prevent any damage to teeth and joints. Correcting the teeth while a child is still developing will allow the teeth and jaws to align properly as they grow, rather than correcting the problem after the problem becomes severe.
What causes Crooked Teeth?
Scientists have suggested different theories over the years as to what causes crooked teeth. The theory of racial mixing causing crooked teeth which was incidentally presented as fact to the wide eyed medical students of the previous era is completely ridiculous and has long since been disproved.
The main cause for crooked teeth include habits like thumb sucking, mouth breathing and nail biting. Recently scientists and researchers believe malocclusion to be caused by consuming extremely soft foods. The soft food theory suggests that because humans don’t exercise their jaw muscles sufficiently, our jaws have become weak and narrowed over time. Small size jaws and big size teeth results in crowding and crooked teeth. Big jaw size and small teeth results in spaces between the teeth.
However, any malocclusion, however severe it may be, can be treated to perfection if identified at the right age. Jaw problems can be corrected with growth modification appliance if identified before the age of 12-14. After 14 years, there is very minimal jaw growth left and complete correction of the jaw problem might not be possible without jaw surgery. So it is always wise to consult an orthodontist at the age of 10-11 years to identify potential jaw problems. If there is no jaw problem and the only issue that bothers you is crooked teeth or gaps between teeth, then it can be corrected at any age provided you have healthy bones and gums!